In the near future, there’s a very real chance that the Clean Vehicle Credit may end up going away as the new administration moves into the White House. While there are whole processes that have to be initiated to change the laws, certain aspects are more likely to stay than you may expect.
Read MoreAs of now, there are fifteen full EV models that qualify for the credit, as well as six plug in hybrids (PHEVs). It is important to note that not every version of the models listed below will necessarily qualify. Please check with the dealer/seller to determine the eligibility of your specific vehicle.
Read MoreAs of January 1st, the list of eligible new EVs and PHEVs that qualify for the Clean Vehicle Credit have been reduced to 13.
Read MoreToday we're opening registrations for a free webinar for the public to learn more about the changes to the Clean Vehicle Credit!
Read MoreThe Clean Vehicle Credit has gone through a significant change in how it can be utilized, who it applies to, and what vehicles qualify. Let us break it down for you!
Read MoreMost comprehensive climate package in U.S. history effects EV policy.
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