Join the EVA at Fully Charged Live
10th & 11th September 2022
San Diego Convention Center
We’re Showing Electric Vehicles and Sharing Our Experience
Fully Charged LIVE will be returning to America on the 10th & 11th September 2022. Join the EVA as we share our experience with the attendees during an exhilarating weekend of electric vehicles and clean energy in San Diego, California.
We encourage you to participate in this event by volunteering as volunteer educators, signing up to show your vehicle or being a ride along driver.
The EV Showcase will be central to the event
and will provide examples of the 100s of electric vehicles that are available today. If your vehicle will be available to be in place from Friday to Sunday, please sign up.
EV Educators will
Provide answers to questions, share information about our vehicles and provide the insights that only experienced EV drivers can provide. Shifts are available to help us at our booth, be on the show floor to answer questions or attend to the EV Showcase
Ride Along Drivers Will
Be available outside of the event to give attendees rides in vehicles they drive everyday. There’s nothing more convincing than getting the feel of a ride along.
Fully Charged Live
The two-day event will showcase a host of quality indoor and outdoor exhibits and attractions including:
Two live theaters jam packed with US relevant content
~100 Electrified Vehicles of all shapes & sizes
~100 Exhibitors of Clean Energy & Electric Vehicle related technologies
Selection of Classic and Concept Vehicles
Test drives and ride on’s
Live music; plus more!
There will be over 30 electrifying live sessions with expert panellists over the two days covering all the hot topics in the world of Electric Vehicles and Cleantech.
Register to Participate
Fully Charged is amongst the fastest-growing YouTube channels in the world, and with more than 35% of its ‘watch time’ in 2019 (US 29% and Canada 6.3%), North America is its largest and fastest growing geography. With a combined population of ~360 million the potential for electric vehicles and clean energy in North America is vast.
The Electric Vehicle Association (formerly the Electric Auto Association) is North America’s leading volunteer organization that accelerates the adoption of electric vehicles by supporting its 100 chapters and thousands of members as they educate their communities about the benefits of driving electric.