Chapter Highlight: NJEVA's First Responder EV Awareness Event
NJ EVA was on a roll this year, hosting many popular events from NDEW to First Responder EV Awareness events.
With EVs becoming increasingly popular, that comes a new set of challenges for first responders. Traditional firefighting techniques may not be effective on EVs, and as such, they require different training and education. EV batteries can reignite after the initial fire is extinguished, so it’s important that to know how to address them differently. EVs operate on high-voltage systems that can be dangerous if not handled correctly.
NJEVA’s event brought local owners and first responders together to learn more about the differences and benefits of EVs. This included basic EV knowledge, the different types of EV batteries and their potential hazards. They also learned more about how to safely approach and stabilize an EV at an incident scene, as well as understanding the proper procedures for cooling and securing EV batteries after a fire. The collaboration was a huge success!