As an environmentalist, I have been a tireless advocate for electric vehicle adoption for over a decade because I believe driving electric is something almost anyone can do to reduce air pollution to mitigate the effects of climate change. Although I am very aware that there are other personal reasons for driving electric, such as saving money, it is the environmental issues that “drive” my passion as an EV advocate.
I lived in Hawai’i for the past 15 months and volunteered with Hawai’i EV working the last two National Drive Electric Week and Drive Electric Earth Day events. In my time there I learned how different the EV landscape is in the islands and therefore how policies are different from location to location around the country. I became acutely aware that EV policies must be both national and local.
Before living Hawai’i I was a long-time member of the Electric Vehicle Association of Greater DC (EVADC), which serves Northern Virginia, the District of Columbia and Maryland. I was Secretary of the organization for several years and provided and delivered testimony about legislation on the local, state and national level. Now that I am back in Maryland I have rejoined EVADC and will be an active member again.
Beginning in 2012 I brought NDEW and DEED EV shows to the Annapolis area and worked to bring awareness of EVs through an environmental nonprofit I co-founded, Annapolis Green. No other nonprofit in our area engaged with EV issues nor did they tie driving electric to climate change mitigation. I worked with local government, the electric utility and other stakeholders to bring needed information to the “EV curious” via these shows smaller events. Most importantly I leveraged the power of current EV owners by convincing them to bring their vehicles and participate in these shows by speaking about their lived experiences. Annapolis Green is still the voice of driving electric in the Annapolis area and I continue to “talk up” driving electric at every opportunity.
Finally, I was an active two-year member of the Maryland Zero Emission Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Council (ZEEVIC), a state body “charged with the development of policies, recommendations, and incentives that increase awareness of Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEVs), support the ownership of ZEVs, and promote investment by the private sector in ZEVs; the development of recommendations for a statewide EV charging and hydrogen refueling infrastructure plan; and the development of other potential policies to promote and facilitate the successful integration of ZEVs into Maryland’s transportation network.” ZEEVIC members are appointed by the Governor.
I look forward to working on the national level with EVA to reach members of the business community and hospitality industry as guests and employees want to have EV charging infrastructure made available to them. I am also very much interested in working at the national level on policies and legislation to accelerate full transition to non-fossil fueled transportation in this country.
I had signs and shirts made years ago featuring the tagline “There’s an Electric Vehicle in Your Future.” I want to work to make that everyone’s future.